Question of the Week #42 & #43
I know it's a bit late for last weeks QOTW #42 so I combined it with QOTW #43 para 1 post nalang hihihi.

2. Do you remember what last week was? What? Last week was very traumatic because Janna got hospitalized due to viral pneumonia. We have to stay in the hospital for 4 days for her to recover more.
3. Are you going to spend more money or less money than last year’s Holiday Season? I think we'll gonna spend a little less because some of it was already used on Janna's hospital bills.
4. Do you prefer your clocks/watches to be set on 12hr or 24hr time? 12 hours
5. Do you like the funny junk mails that friends or relatives send you? It depends on who is sending it ... but I don't usually read forwarded emails.
6. Have you ever fainted? Nope
7. What other capital city aside from your own country you’ve been to already? What was it? Sorry, I haven't gone into other places but here in the Philippines.
8. When you see a number between around 1900 and 2050, do you automatically think of years? Yup ...
9. How many hours of sleep do you get on average on weeknights? 6 hours
10. Santa can only give you 3 things this Christmas and each gift can only be $15 or less. What are you going to get? a dress, a pair of shoe and a bag.
1. Do you like to read a book that is in movie format before you view the movie, or afterwards? I always read the book first before watching the movie. Which reminds me that I haven't watched Twilight yet hahaha!
2. Have you ever had a dream about being a place you’ve never been, and days or years later, you end up there? Yup, and sometimes I'll ask myself "hmmm ... parang nangyari na to ah!"
3. How do you dream… in black-and-white or color? in color, sometimes blurry but in color.
4. How many personal ‘fantasy worlds’ exist in your head? hmmm ... two ... world of Harry Potter and world of Edward Cullen ... nyek!
5. What would you like to learn more about? Learn on how to handle a business. Hubby and I are planning that we should put up a business before Janna reached her school age.
6. What was the last family event you attended? Hmmm ... it's not a family event really but a family get together last November 2008 with my Tito Froilan and Tita Ella.
7. Have you told your Mom and Dad, lately, how much you love and appreciate them? Yup, especially when they helped us took care of Janna when she was hospitalized last week.
8. Too much to do, what do you do? Leave everything alone for a while and assess on what to do first and then the other.
9. Do you like to save ‘the best for last’? always ...
10. Pick an online friend. Only ONE. Tell me something about her. A link to her blog/site so we can take a peek! That would be Pittipat and Kris ... I've met both of them during our Discovery Weekend days. They are such wonderful people to be with. Can't wait to see them next month (sana matuloy ang meet!)
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