Saturday, March 21, 2009

MM: Siblings / Cousins Bonding

mommy moments

Janna is my first born but she always have bonding time with her cousin, Elay. They were only 3 months apart, so they both explore on things differently. Elay is on the crawling stage, while Janna is already cruising. Sometimes Janna gets irritated when Elay doesn't respond to Janna the way she wants her to do. They sometimes ended up crying. I just hope they'll get over that stage ... anyway, they're still to young.

They sleep together...

Roam around the village together...

Just play around...

I wished that they grow up as close like real sisters. And I wish the grannies stop comparing them with each other for them not to compete with each other on getting attentions with the people around them.


Chris March 21, 2009 7:51 PM  

kyla and her cousin (my husband's side) are 5 months apart.. now, they really like to play together.. but when they were a few years younger, they would always fight since they have different personalities! anyway, its great that they are growing up together..

but of course, di maiiwasan that they get compared A LOT... you must not LISTEN and TAKE HEART OF WHAT THEY SAY if possible...

JonaBQ March 23, 2009 2:48 PM  

i agree, people should just enjoy seeing kids together. relating to peers/cousins is an important part of their develpment